Common questions
How do I place an order?
You can either drop us an email at or give us a call on 0113 276 0623
Can I request any samples?
Please drop us an email at with what you would require
What is bleed?
Bleed refers to an additional part of the artwork that extends beyond the trim area of your final print. The artwork is printed on an oversized sheet that is then cut down to size
What are your opening times?
We are open Monday-Friday from 8am until 5pm
Printing & Artwork
Does the artwork need bleed?
Please include a minimum of 5mm bleed on all artwork
How can I send my artwork?
A member of the ERW team will get in touch with you after your order has been submitted, you can then attach your artwork files for us to check and send to press
What type of files are best?
PDF documents for uploads are recommend, if possible use any of the Abode Creative Cloud to create your file
What is the largest sheet you accept?
The largest sheet we can work with is 1060x740mm
What is the smallest sheet you accept?
The smallest sheet we can work with is A6, 105 x 148mm